Project T&T is the owner of the website and does not extensively make use of cookies. This policy is meant to give you more insight in how we use and how we collect information through the use of cookies.

What are Cookies?

Cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) are files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to and kept on any internet enabled device when you visit a website. These Cookies are then send back to the originating website on each subsequent visit or to another Cookies recognizing website. Many types of Cookies exist with each their own purpose, however they can be divided in two main groups: persistent Cookies and session Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain on your device for a set period of time defined for such Cookies, session Cookies are temporary and remain active only during one browser session. Once you close the browser, all session Cookies are deleted.

Cookies enable a lot and different advantages such as remembering your preferences, such as your language preference, generally improving your online experience and allowing us to provide you with the best online experience.

For more information on Cookies, you can always consult

Why does Project T&T use Cookies?

Without Cookies it might happen that some parts of our website are not working efficiently. The main reason Project T&T uses Cookies is to enhance your personal online experience. As we do not collect any personal information the type of Cookies we use are limited.

Which Cookies do we use?

On our website only persistent Cookies are being generated upon your visit. These Cookies are stored in one of your browser’s subfolders until you delete them manually or your browser deletes them based on the duration period contained within the persistent cookie’s file.

We use them to help remembering your information and settings when you visit our website in the future, for example your language preference is being kept. Another Cookie that is being used on our website, is a third party Cookie placed by Google, which is being used for the sole purpose of allowing them to provide us with analytical reports on for example how our website is used, as a result the Cookie policy from Google is as well

How can you manage or delete your cookies?

Before deleting Cookies we want to inform you that this may result in losing preferences and some functionality on many websites.

You can alter the settings of your browser to erase Cookies or prevent automatic acceptance, whichever you prefer. Visit the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu on your browser to change settings. Following links provide more browser-specific information for some browsers.

Internet Explorer

You can also use to evaluate the use of cookies used on our websites.

User agreement

By continuing to use our website, you agree to the placement of cookies on your device. If you choose not to receive such Cookies, we cannot guarantee that your experience will be as fulfilling as it would otherwise be.
For any questions you have concerning your privacy you can contact us at